Countries where people smoke the most (world no tobacco day-2018) || Business Partner Nepal.

1. Kiribati - 52.2% of adults

Kiribati tops the list with about 52.2% identifying as smokers. In this small country in the south Pacific, laws regulating tobacco are not strict and smoking is not prohibited in many public places. It is said that two-thirds of all men in Kiribati are smokers. The World Health Organization calls tobacco use in Kiribati an "epidemic".

2. Nauru - 47.5% of adults

Nauru has the second highest percentage of smokers, at 47.5%. Nauru is the world's smallest island nation, with a population of fewer than 10,000 people. 
Here, more than half of the female population smoke, while around 50% of men smoke. This trend goes against global norms for much higher rates among female smokers than males.

3. Greece - 42.4% of adults

Greece has the third highest percentage of smokers, at 42.4% of adults being smokers. Statistics show that this was the highest percentage in the EU in 2010. Although two smoking bans in public places have been instituted in Greece, smoking is still rampant, and few have paid much attention to the bans at all.

4. Serbia - 41.6% of adults

In Serbia, 42.3% of adults smoke. This is undoubtedly due to lax smoking laws and a lack of a ban on smoking in public places. Statistics show that Serbians smoke more than most Europeans. Lately, however, the Serbian government has taken steps in curbing the habit by passing laws against smoking in public places. The government is taking steps against the public's claim that smoking is part of its culture.

5. Jordan - 41% of adults

Ukraine's smoking population constitutes about 43.3% of its adults, and they are smoking around 15.2 cigarettes each per day. A smoking ban has been implemented in all outdoor and indoor public places. Although there has been a decrease recently in smoking, there are four times as many smokers in the teenage group than in the older age bracket. More smokers can be found in the country's western regions than in the eastern regions.

6. Indonesia - 39.8% of adults

Indonesia counts around 39.8% of its population as smokers. This translates to around 57 million people! Smoking Kretek, a cigarette that is a blend of tobacco and cloves, is considered by many a cultural activity. However, smoking is said to be responsible for hundreds of thousands of premature deaths in Indonesia every year. The country notably has no bans on smoking in most public places.

7. Russia - 39.1% of adults

An estimated 39.1% of Russians smoke. Cigarette manufacturers in Russia were not regulated until very recently. A smoking ban in all public places indoors and outdoors was implemented in June of 2014, and tobacco sponsorship of events and tobacco advertisement were also prohibited. Warnings about smoking were also made more visible in the public places. In Russia, smoking rates among males are much higher than among females.

8. Lebanon - 38.3% of adults

In Lebanon, 38.3% of adults smoke. Like many countries on this list, smoking has a place in Lebanese culture. Cigarettes in Lebanon are cheap and readily available. In 2015, the country relaxed its legislation that restricted smoking in public places.

Countries That Smoke The Most Cigarettes

RankCountryPrevalence of Smoking (%)
9Bosnia and Herzegovina38.3
15Czech Republic33.1

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